
Pumpout Nav dla iPhone

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 4.7.0
  • 4.2

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

Recenzja Softonic

Pumpout Nawigacja: Znajdź najbliższą stację do opróżniania zbiorników na ścieki

Pumpout Nav is a travel and navigation app available for iPhone users. Developed by ecom enterprises inc., this free app is designed to help boaters find the closest sewage pumpout station, floating restroom, or portable toilet dump station to their boat.

With Pumpout Nav, users can easily switch between map and list view to locate these facilities. The app provides information on hours, prices, contact details, and the exact location of each unit. Additionally, users can learn about the importance of pumping out their boat's sewage, the role of the y-valve, and the rules and regulations surrounding recreational boat sewage.

Pumpout Nav also offers features such as the ability to log pumpouts, mark favorite locations, view No Discharge Zones (in select states), and report non-functioning units. By using pumpout stations, dump stations, or floating restrooms, boaters can contribute to the preservation of the waters they love.

Please note that Pumpout Nav is currently available in select regions of California, Oregon, Washington, and the Lake Champlain area of Vermont and New York. The app is in the process of uploading public pumpouts in Florida, but not all pumpouts in the state are represented at this time.

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Pumpout Nav dla iPhone

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 4.7.0
  • 4.2

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

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